"Red" CanonpowershotSD750. Rexburg,ID. 25.10.2010. 8:48am. 1/125sec. f/2.8.
This photo I opened in camera raw and adjusted the hue, saturation, blackness and clarity. I use tutorial number 11 for this picture.
"Bridge" CanonpowershotSD750. Rexburg,ID. 25.10.2010. 8:36am. 1/250sec. f/2.8
To begin I edited this in camera raw. I adjusted the blackness, clarity and saturation. I then opened it in photoshop and followed the tutorial for #10.
"leaves" CanonpowershotSD750. Rexburg,ID. 25.10.2010. 8:51am. 1/200sec. f//2.8.
For this photo I opened first in camera raw and adjusted the blackness, clarity and saturation. I then followed the tutorial number 9.